
Individual Exercises Rhythmic Gymnastics:

0. Minis - Naděje nejmladší • 2012 and younger 
(Without apparatus)

WA: D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 5 elements • min. 2x S • max. 3x DER

I. Babies - Naděje nejmladší 2011 and younger
(Without apparatus + Apparatus by choice)

WA: D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 5 elements • min. 2x S • max. 3x DER

Apparatus: D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 5 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 2x DER

II. Children - Naděje mladší 2009 - 2010 
(Without apparatus + Apparatus by choice)

WA: D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 5 elements • min. 2x S • max. 3x DER

Apparatus: D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 6 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 3x DER

III. Level B pre-junior - Kadetky mladší 2007 - 2008
Hoop + Apparatus by choice)

D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 6 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 3x DER

IV. Level A pre-junior - Naděje starší 2007 - 2008
(Clubs + Rope + Final apparatus by choice)

D unlimited • min. 3, max. 7 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 4x DER

V. Level B junior - Kadetky starší 2004 - 2006
(Ball + Apparatus by choice)

D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 7 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 3x DER

VI. Level B senior - Dorostenky 2003 and older
Ribbon + Apparatus by choice)

D max. 8 points • min. 3, max. 7 elements • min. 2x S • min. 1x, max. 4x DER

VII. Level A junior - Juniorky 2004 - 2006
(Rope + Ribbon + F
inal apparatus by choice)

FIG rules • D unlimited • min. 3, highest 7 elements counted • min. 1x S • min. 1x, max. 4x DER

VIII. Level A senior + Seniorky 2003 and older
Hoop + Ribbon + Final apparatus by choice)

FIG rules • D unlimited • min. 3, highest 9 elements counted • min. 1x S • min. 1x, max. 5x DER • min. 1x AD

Group Exercises Rhythmic Gymnastics:

G1- Group Children - Naděje mladší • 2009 and younger 
(Apparatus by choice or combination of two apparatuses by choice)
- two performances

D unlimited • min. 3x BD, min. 2x ED (max. 6 DB + ED - 1 by choice)
min. 2x S • max. 1x DER • min. 4x C

G2 - Group Pre-junior - Naděje starší • 2007 and younger 
(Apparatus by choice or combination of two apparatuses by choice)
- two performances

D unlimited • min. 3x BD, min. 3x ED (max. 7 DB + ED - 1 by choice)
min. 2x S • max. 1x DER • min. 4x C

G3 - Group Junior - Juniorky • 2004 - 2006
(Apparatus by choice or combination of two apparatuses by choice)
- two performances

D unlimited • min. 3x BD, min. 3x ED (max. 7 DB + ED - 1 by choice)
min. 2x S • max. 1x DER • min. 4x C

G4 - Group Senior - Seniorky • 2003 and older
(Apparatus by choice or combination of two apparatuses by choice)
- two different exercises

D unlimited • min. 4x BD, min. 4x ED (max. 9 DB + ED - 1 by choice)
min. 2x S • max. 1x DER • min. 4x C

G4 - Group Senior - Seniorky • 2002 and older
(Apparatus by choice or combination of two apparatuses by choice)
- two different exercises

D unlimited • min. 4x BD, min. 4x ED (max. 9 DB + ED - 1 by choice)
min. 2x S • max. 1x DER • min. 4x C

The competition of group exercises will be held if there are at least 3 teams registered in a particular category. Invite other clubs to take part, too.

Final announcement about each category will be sent to you until 20 May 2019. 

The organizer reserves the right:

  • To grant exemptions on apparatus.
  • To divide some categories according to the age.
  • To change the second performance of the divided categories into the fi nal for a limited number of competitors.
  • To determine the number of competitors in the fi nals of the categories IV, VII and VIII.

